Thank You, Father, that we shall lead the way to this new day —this new way of seeing and knowing things according to the heart of God. Amen. It shall be different from what has been known in the past; what has been handed down from the traditions of our fathers. But Lord God, I thank You that the ax is laid to the root, and weekly 9, 2017 are severed from the traditions of our fathers; so that we may be joined unto the Lord in this new day, Amen — in the freshness and newness of the things of God. There is revealed from heaven so many things that shall shock us and shake us because they are so new. Amen. That they shall insult the sensibilities of this world system. Amen. But they shall be truly of the Lord. Amen. There shall be the new ways of God, and yet they have been handed down from the ancient of days and the ancient of times. But we were not cognizant, conscience or aware of them because of the darkness of this present time, the darkness of this world, and the spirit of this world; which is a spirit of stupor and slumber and intoxication. Amen.
And so we have to Awaken, Awaken, Awaken out of sleep, out of slumber into the Day of the Lord; the Day of His Righteousness. And so, the Day of the Lord shall come with a great awakening, with a shout, and with sounds from heaven that are different; and signs from heaven that are different from what we have seen before. And they shall cause many to be shaken in mind and in heart, those that are not in tune with the Lord. But those who have embraced the Lord consistently, continuously; they shall not be shaken by this new day, and this new time, and the signs and wonders that the Lord shall display. For this is a time of great signs and wonders as the Lord displays His greatness. This is a time when man’s ways shall decrease and God’s ways shall become known. And there shall be centers. There shall be places where the Lord’s ways shall be taught; and the strength of the Lord, and the power of the Lord, and the Spirit of the Lord shall be great in these centers —those places where men hold fast and hold to the ways of God, and will not let go. For it shall be like Jacob, who wrestled with the angel and would not let go until the day would break, Amen —that the day would come forward. Amen. And so it shall be with these men and women of God, and people of the Lord, who will not let go of the Lord until the day dawn. So, that others would become aware of the ways of the Lord, and be taught of the Lord, and shall be no more offended about the ways of the Lord; though they be different and new from what they were taught by the traditions of their fathers.
And there shall be helpers to help those many to ease into the things of God, to assure them that this is of the Lord. To show them by line upon line and precept upon precept, and by the witness of the Holy Ghost that these things are of the Lord. Amen. And there shall be more and more that shall become aware, and the number shall grow, and they shall reach out and touch others; to show that the Lord is on His way. For the whole earth shall be filled with the glory of God.
But it begins with one who will recognize that the Lord says, “Arise shine for thy light is come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.” And so we shall fellowship in the love of God, in the Light of God, in the truth of God, in the fear of the Lord. For it is the fear of the Lord that is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge, and understanding. And those who are enamored with the world do not fear the Lord. But in this great day there shall be a shaking and an awakening which shall cause many to fear the Lord. And there shall be great signs and wonders and miracles. And there shall be trembling and moving. Amen. And it shall cause eyes to look to the skies, and look to the hills, and look to the Lord. Amen. And begin to fear the Lord and wonder with great wonderment. Amen.
As things begin to shake and to quake, and to tremble and to move— and for smoke to begin to fill up those buildings, and those places, and those spaces. Praise be to God! For it shall be in the place of that glory that the Lord is able to move to manifest, and to show forth. But it will be those who will not let go; that are touched by the Lord, who walk differently, who have been marked by the Lord, who cannot deny that the Lord has a hold of their lives. They will not be moved by others who seem not to be sensitive to the things of God. For they know whom they have believed. And so they shall speak and release shaking, and trembling and moving. And there shall be great fellowship. And there shall be great wonderment in this new day which was of the ancient of days. Thank You, Father God in Jesus’ name.