Opportunities to Lay Up Treasures in Heaven The true apostle’s ministry has certain needs which are different from other ministries, such as the pastor, for instance. The apostle is called to the world and not to a church. Though he may start many works, he is called to travel. He is not in a church building receiving of the tithes and offerings of the congregants. So the apostle trusts God, also looking to those who are sensitive to their disposition. This is why we ask everyone to pray and ask God is this a ministry that you are called to support. We are confident that the Lord will speak in heartfelt prayer. Jesus instructs us, that while we are in the earth realm not to lay up treasure on the earth, but to lay up treasures in Heaven (Matt 6:19-24). Our life on earth is for a short while in comparison to our life in heaven, which is for eternity. When we make it home to heaven, we want to have already laid up treasures that will be waiting on us. One of the ways that we lay up treasures in heaven is through our giving, particularly helping ministries who have laid down the world to do the will of God in the earth. Here are some immediate needs of Christ Be Glorified Ministries. Fishman Loud X Artist Acoustic Amp $800 To donate, send Check or Money order to140 Squire Ln, Jackson MS39206 CASH APP: $CalvinBr100 Paypal @ https://www.paypal.me/ChrisBeGlorified or click the donate button below to send by Paypal.