So you would have no words. For those in English. You’d have no English words to grab hold of, to explain, to grasp what the Holy Spirit is saying and doing. The Lord has a capacity to do more than we are able to think or imagine, Amen. So, the Lord has to get us in His realm. The Lord has to get us tuned into His frequency. And then to be willing to grasp that which in the natural is un-graspable if that is a word, Amen. Those things that we cannot grasp hold of without the Lord. So, that is what that groaning is. It is talking about a disposition. It’s talking about being in a place to grab something from the Lord that this world needs. It is from that heavenly sphere. It is from the realm of God, the realm of the spirit, Amen. And so when you do, Amen, the Lord is able to bring forth answers. The Lord is able even to shift. The Lord is able to bring forth even a platform for His to operate, Amen. So, that the job of man. That’s the job of mankind to be yielded vessels and to be sensitive to the Lord. Not just to pray in tongues. Not just to pray in the Spirit, Amen. But to grasp the things of God from the heavenly sphere, Amen. It would be even, a burden, Amen. It would be sometimes…it would be hard, Amen, because of the nature of this world and the nature of this natural realm, it could be so hard and so heavy as you continue to yield to the purposes of God because it’s almost seems like the two are incapable. But the Lord will make you able. Just like the Bible says, the Lord can bring a woman to the place of birthing and then she needs the strength to go ahead and bring forth. And so, the Lord can bring you to the place of birthing and then give you the strength, Amen, to go ahead and bring it forth into this realm. It is a work of the Spirit. It is supernatural. It is bigger than you can actually hold. For the Lord will help you through the birthing process, Amen. Blessed are those who are willing to birth, Amen, to receive the burden of the Lord, the groanings of the Lord, to realize the blessing of bringing forth the Lord’s desire, Holy Ghost, that which pleases the Lord; it feels so many times uncomfortable, but we have willingly submitted ourselves unto God to receive the desire of the Lord. And that which seems heavy, that in the natural we know that we’re too weak to bring forth. And that we are so dependent upon the Lord to help us bring forth . into this realm that which causes joy, that which shifts the paradigm. Even now I sense that the Lord is calling those who are sensitive to be over shadowed by the Holy Spirit, that are not ashamed to be with child to be with burden of the Lord. For there is so much that this world needs that would be new, Amen. Those new things from the Lord for this present time. That burden of generations, the burdens of centuries, the burdens that were carried for eons and eons that still no one had found the strength to bring forth. But who are those ones who receive strength of the Lord. It is those who are devoid of their own strength, who have no strength, who have cried out to the Lord, “I have nothing. I have nothing to boast in. I have nothing of my own. I have no strength.” I hear the Lord saying, you are the one to carry My burden. You are the one to carry My desire and that the only glory will be that you brought forth that which had lain dormant even for generations. Other ages were not able to carry that burden. Prior generations trusted in their own strength and never saw the birthing of the Lord. I sense the Lord’s burden. I sense that which is settling upon the people of God. I see the heart of the Prophetess Anna, who gave herself to prayer and fasting to see the Lord’s coming. That which did not seem glamorous, that which was in the secret place, that which was hidden away. That I sense that burden that those that are selected of the Lord cannot shake it. That they cannot get away from it. And I’m here to identify it. You are in the birthing place. And the Holy Spirit is your Help to bring forth which this generation needs. The Holy Spirit is as the midwives which did not fear the command of Pharaoh. There’s a sensibility of this world…pressure for you not to bring forth or to kill or abort that desire of the Lord. I see supernatural boldness from the Lord where you will not surcome to the pressures of this culture and/or society, the sensibilities against bringing forth the burden of the Lord. For there will be no going forth until this new is birth to bring forth the joy that the Lord desires. So, I am releasing that which will catch those and bring them into the birthing place. Those whose hearts belong to the Lord, who have no desire of the acclaim of man but only the heart of the Lord, who will receive the burden of the Lord, Holy Ghost, to bring forth. Arise, Arise, Arise, Arise! Holy Ghost, Arise. The Lord says you are honored. Arise you honored ones to receive the offspring of the Lord, the seed of the Lord, the blessing of the Lord, for this present time. Others generations could not bear it, but this generation shall bear that from the Lord. Father, we thank You for that. Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, Mommy; you are called Mommy, Mommy, Mommy. Hallelujah. Thank You Father for that.