Greetings and Happy New Year to the family of God! This is an exciting to be alive, because God has chosen you to be a part of what He now doing in the earth. The Bible says that God has already worked, and those works are good (Gen. 1:31). Afterward, Jesus labored on the cross, in order to bring us into God’s rest. The “rest” or Sabbath is the day following the completed works of God. We enter into that day by faith when we hear God’s voice, and obey (Heb. 3:7,8). When we walk in faith by believing and accepting what the Lord has already done, we get the benefit of receiving the completed works. How do we do the works of God? We have to believe on the One (Jesus) whom God has sent (John 6:28). By faith you are accounted as righteous, or as if you are entitled to receive the blessings of God.
This brings me to what God is saying concerning the new year. God spoke to me about providing a supernatural entrance. This entrance will deliver you, once and for all from many of your past hardships; and bring you into the new day that God intended for you, all along. What do I mean by that? God delivered the children of Israel out of Egypt with a mighty hand. They were slaves in Egypt for four hundred years, until they began to cry out unto God. God sent Moses to tell Pharaoh to let His people go free that they may worship Him. Anytime, you are not free to worship God, you are in bondage. God wanted to change His people’s mindset from that of being a slave, unto to one in which they experienced the liberty of being a child of God, whose hearts were free to worship Him. God’s sent ten plagues against Pharaoh and Egypt, and Pharaoh seemingly gave in, and agreed to let them go.
Keep in mind that all of this was orchestrated by God; even the sudden change of heart by Pharaoh which caused him to pursue the Hebrews, who were trapped against the Red Sea. They were trapped until God provided a supernatural entrance that had not been seen before. God caused a wind to blow and divided the Red Sea in the middle, and the Israelites walked through on dry land. Before God opened up that way, the Hebrews were angry, afraid, perplexed, and full of anxiety. They murmured and complained against God and against Moses. But in the providence of God, He had already prepared, already provided, and already worked. God told Moses to stop crying, go forward, and use what He had already prepared. He was to use the rod of God to open up the way (Ex. 14:15,16).
What did the rod represent? It represented the spoken word of God. The rod is for teaching, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness (2 Tim. 3:16). Psalm, chapter twenty-three and verse four, describes how the rod and the staff comfort us. So this is a picture of the rod (word) in the hands of a loving shepherd, and not in the hands of the harsh taskmasters of Egypt. Shepherds lovingly guide and lead their flock. Jesus is the Good Shepherd who guides and leads us by the Holy Spirit. This guidance is a comfort to us and not grievous.
So let’s get back to the word for the new year. God promises to open up and supernatural door for you by His word: not just any word, but the word that He has spoken to you concerning your life and future. This word is the rod which is anointed to do signs, wonders and miracles. You are instructed to use that anointed word as a key, to open up a way where there seems to be no way. The anointing on that word will increase and be intensified because of the urgency of the times we are living in. When God speaks, that equals direction. Some people may say, “I’m not sure that I’ve ever heard God’s voice?” Well, I assure you that God does speak, and I obligate myself to pray for you that you hear His voice and when you do, that a supernatural door will be opened to you to enter into Gods works. It’s not about man’s works (Egypt), but God’s works which include His gospel and the advancement of His glorious Kingdom. The Bible says we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works which God prepared ahead of time that we should walk in them (Eph. 2:10).
This word is to help you unlock those good works. When you enter into your place it blesses the whole body of Christ. God has good things prepared for each one of us. Some of you have never been truly free to go forward in the things of God. So I release unto you this word of freedom in every area of your life. Be set free in Jesus’ name. Amen!
Apostle Calvin Brown Sr.